Go Live Theatre Projects

Go Live Theatre Projects

Go Live Theatre Projects Opening up the world of theatre Seeing and participating in theatre exposes us to different perspectives, touches our emotions, boosts confidence, unlocks creativity and teaches valuable skills. Go Live Theatre Projects works to give more...
The Design Museum

The Design Museum

The Design Museum © Doyle of London – This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license A co-designed community garden In March 2022, the Design Museum started to explore how an underused, inaccessible open space...
The Literacy Pirates

The Literacy Pirates

The Literacy Pirates Giving low literacy the heave-ho   Literacy is essential for children to succeed at secondary school. But if a child’s reading and writing skills are behind their peers at the age of nine, their confidence is affected and the gap widens. The...


MyBnk Money skills for independent living According to the Money and Pensions Service, 39% of adults in the UK don’t feel confident managing their money. To help address this, we’ve partnered with MyBnk on an innovative education programme empowering young people to...
Little Village

Little Village

Little Village It takes a Little Village Supporting a child for the first five years of his or her life costs nearly £70,000 according to Moneyfarm. For the 43% of families with a child under the age of five in London living in poverty, even buying the essentials is...