Our Partnerships

Browse or filter to find stories about our past and present grants. We do not accept unsolicited applications for funding – instead we select our partnerships based on shared values and mutual interests: creating access to opportunities, improving health and well-being, and investing in our communities and environment.

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Access to Opportunity
Geography: India | Year: 2013-2016

Kusuma Excellence Awards

Teachers have the capacity to change lives. The Kusuma Excellence Awards were designed to recognise the difference teachers make to their schools and students.

Access to Opportunity
Geography: United Kingdom | Year: 2016-2017

Bright Futures, Aiming Higher Project

The longer a young woman stays out of education or the job market, the deeper the impact can be.

Health & Wellbeing
Geography: Gibraltar | Year: 2012-2016

Physical Activities Association for Mature Older Adults (PAAMOA)

Our grants have been making sure older people in Gibraltar have the chance to exercise safely.

Geography: United Kingdom | Year: 2012-2014

Centre For Social Justice, Breakthrough Britain II

Is the UK education system failing disadvantaged young people? We funded research from the Centre for Social Justice to find answers and propose evidence-based solutions.

Access to Opportunity
Geography: United Kingdom | Year: 2012-2013

Thomas’s Schools Foundation, ICT Homework Clubs

Primary school children who don’t have computers at home miss out on developing integral skills. ICT Homework Clubs provided the computers, space and support needed.

Health & Wellbeing
Geography: Gibraltar | Year: 2014

Prostate Cancer Support Group

We helped Gibraltar’s Prostate Cancer Support Group to set up a clinic with state-of-the-art equipment that has the potential to save many lives.

Access to Opportunity
Geography: India | Year: 2011-2015

Sarvodaya Ashram, Pehcahaan programme

Adolescent girls who’d had to drop out of school were helped back into mainstream education.

Access to Opportunity
Geography: India | Year: 2008-2012

Sarvodaya Ashram, Udaan programme

We partnered with Sarvodaya Ashram to provide innovative programmes that help girls stay in education.

Geography: India | Year: 2011-2015

Impact of Sarvodaya Ashram’s learning programme for girls

Can an accelerated learning programme improve girls’ attainment, attitudes to education and aspirations for the future? Our research suggests it can.