Our Partnerships

Browse or filter to find stories about our past and present grants. We do not accept unsolicited applications for funding – instead we select our partnerships based on shared values and mutual interests: creating access to opportunities, improving health and well-being, and investing in our communities and environment.

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Access to Opportunity
Geography: Gibraltar | Year: 2010-2016

Science Museum: Science Week Gibraltar

Our partnership with London’s Science Museum has brought awe-inspiring science to students across Gibraltar.

Access to Opportunity
Geography: Gibraltar | Year: 2012-2016

Cambridge University Millennium Mathematics Project

Think maths can’t be exciting? Read about the Millennium Mathematics Project we supported in Gibraltar…

Geography: India | Year: 2015-2017

Impact of our Kusuma Excellence Fellowships

We funded researchers at the London School of Economics to assess the impact of our Excellence Fellowships on the educational pathways of disadvantaged students.

Access to Opportunity
Geography: United Kingdom | Year: 2016-2017

East Riding Voluntary Action Services, Volunteen

Youth volunteering programme, Volunteen, is organising opportunities for young people to gain vital skills and experience. In return, social and voluntary organisations gain volunteers.

Geography: India | Year: 2011-2016

The Centre for Internet & Society

Based in Bangalore, the Centre for Internet & Society is the leading civil society organisation in the country lobbying for rights related to the internet.

Access to Opportunity
Geography: Gibraltar | Year: 2016

Gibraltar World Music Festival

Gibraltar’s annual cultural festival offers an inspirational programme of music, art and poetry. In 2016, we sponsored workshops for over 600 young people.

Access to Opportunity
Geography: United Kingdom | Year: 2016-2017

Team up, West London Tuition Programme

An inspiring role model can change a young person’s perspective. Team Up work with pupils from low income backgrounds to help them at school.

Geography: India | Year: 2014-2016

Pratham Education Foundation study

What factors influence a child’s transition from primary to secondary school in India? We funded Pratham Education Foundation to find answers.

Community & Environment
Geography: Gibraltar | Year: 2010-2016

Gibraltar International Dance Festival

It’s hosted in Gibraltar – but attracts dancers from around the world…