Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital Charity

Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital Charity

Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital Charity Speeding up genetic testing   Genetic testing changes lives, giving patients and clinicians vital data to inform treatment. At Royal Brompton Hospital, clinical scientists in the Clinical Genetics and Genomics Laboratory...
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Charity

Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Charity

Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Charity Essential equipment for excellent care Ultrasound machines are vital for the diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of most neuro-musculoskeletal. The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH) is the top UK orthopaedic...
Royal Marsden Cancer Charity

Royal Marsden Cancer Charity

Royal Marsden Cancer Charity Imaging equipment for better cancer surgery One in two people will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in their lifetime. As the largest comprehensive cancer centre in Europe, the Royal Marsden relies on cutting edge equipment to treat...
Moorfields Eye Charity

Moorfields Eye Charity

Moorfields Eye Charity Understanding our eyes One in five people will experience some form of sight loss in their lifetime. Understanding is key to improving eye care, but the eye is complex, with many types of cells working together. Until recently, researchers could...
St John’s Hospice

St John’s Hospice

St John’s Hospice Comfort in the outdoors “I want nothing more than to once again smell the herbs and see butterflies fly past. Outside is a different world, you can close your eyes and imagine being in the countryside.” These are the words of Riccardo, who attends...