Loreto Convent School: Kusuma Sports Hall Gibraltar’s community benefits from state-of-the-art space for sports, music and drama The Kusuma Sports Hall at Loreto Convent School has much more to offer than your average school gym. As well as dedicated spaces to play...
Bright Ideas Trust Creating tomorrow’s entrepreneurs For some young people who haven’t had the benefit of a stable education or home life, self-employment can be one of the few paths to success. The Bright Ideas Trust was set up to support 16 to 30 year-olds not in...
Circle Community, Get Employed Breaking the ‘no job, no experience’ cycle You can’t get a job because you don’t have any experience. But you can’t get experience until you’ve had a job. How do you go about breaking the cycle? Circle Community is helping young people...
Childline Gibraltar Helpline Keeping children safe from abuse Every year, more than 600 people call the Childline Gibraltar Helpline. Many are children feeling scared about things happening in their lives. Others are adults worried about a child’s safety. They all...
Thomas’s Schools Foundation – Readers’ Cup A unique reading competition for primary school children The Thomas’s Schools Foundation was created ‘to enrich the educational experiences’ of children who live in the local communities of the Thomas’...