Vauxhall City Farm
A full farm experience in the heart of London
It may be overlooked by high rises and in earshot of Big Ben, but Vauxhall City Farm provides a safe and peaceful home for hundreds of animals and birds – from alpacas to pigs, chinchillas to turkeys. And now our capital’s oldest and most central city farm is getting a major upgrade. Our grant of £98,600 will help create a new community garden, mini forest with quiet space to sit, vegetable and herb garden, and an ecological pond.
- Vauxhall City Farm sits in the heart of a highly diverse community, with 150 languages spoken in nearby schools.
- Our grant will help make available 866 square metres of new garden space to the local community.
- The expanded space will help to offer thousands of volunteering hours for 600 adults, 10,000 children and 260 young people.

Entrance to Vauxhall City Farm by © Marathon – This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.
An upgrade for animals, visitors and volunteers
Other improvements to the farm include accessible paths, outdoor education spaces, pergolas to protect historic grape vines, and new planting beds.
The new and enhanced areas of Vauxhall City Farm will offer a sanctuary for visitors, helping to improve their mental health. It will provide educational and volunteering opportunities for children and adults, as they enjoy being among plants, trees and tranquil green space.
“Vauxhall City Farm has made a strong contribution here for many years. Allowing urban families to hold animals is a significant mental health asset and the cafe partnership with Lambeth created a space to meet and affordable homes. The farm’s contribution is immense. This new garden will enhance the offering and make life better for so many people in need.”
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