Research Schools Network
Tackling underachievement in maths and science
Young people from disadvantaged backgrounds are underachieving at school, particularly in maths and science. Without these core skills, they’re missing out on qualifications and a range of careers. We know that what happens in the classroom makes the biggest difference to pupil outcomes. Improving teaching generally costs less and leads to greater improvements than structural changes to the educational system. That’s why we supported the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), a charity dedicated to breaking the link between family income and educational achievement. EEFplays a pivotal role in supporting teachers to use the most effective teaching methods in the classroom, based on the best available evidence.
- We awarded £127,000 to EEF to get more schools using evidence-based teaching practices in maths and science.
- EEF estimates that the project will benefit more than 1,200 teachers and 160,000 students.

About the project
In January 2018, we awarded match funding of up to £127,000 to EEF to get more schools using evidence-based teaching practices in maths and science. EEF delivered support through its Research Schools Network, which was designed to share evidence-based practice and bring research closer to schools. Research Schools work with primary and secondary schools in their areas to help them make better use of evidence to inform their teaching through:
- structured training, coaching and professional development for senior leaders and teachers on how to improve classroom practice
- support to develop innovative ways of improving teaching and learning, and providing them with the expertise to evaluate their impact.
The project targeted schools with a high proportion of pupils on free school meals and low progress scores in maths and science. Five Research Schools delivered the maths programme to 91 schools in their networks. Seven Research Schools supported 98 schools in their networks to teach science effectively. Research Schools provided support across the school year to help embed positive change. “The Research Schools Network provides an exciting opportunity to improve the teaching of maths and science at scale,’ says our previous Head of Research, Dr Christine Oliver. ‘Competency in these subjects can open doors to vocational training, higher education and a wide range of jobs, and this is particularly important for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.”
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Education Endowment Foundation – Supporting students with SEND

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