Gibraltar Philharmonic Society

Gibraltar Philharmonic Society

Gibraltar Philharmonic Society Putting classical music centre stage Classical music can be a positive boost to our mental and physical health. Listening to it can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure and even relieve pain. That’s why we wanted to support the...
Bumble Bee Conservation Trust

Bumble Bee Conservation Trust

Bumble Bee Conservation Trust Getting London’s East End buzzing East London is home to five of the UK’s seven most threatened bumblebee species, including one of the rarest, the shrill carder bee. We’re providing £60,000 in funding to support Buzzing in the East End...
The Royal Free Charity

The Royal Free Charity

The Royal Free Charity Revolutionising cancer screening at the Royal Free Hospital
 When cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, treatment options and chances of a full recovery are greater. So, timely testing is critical. We’re partnering with the Royal Free Hospital...
Gibraltar Health Authority

Gibraltar Health Authority

Gibraltar Health Authority Improving patient experience through training For any hospital, having the right equipment available to assess and diagnose patients is vital. But making sure there are enough qualified staff to use that equipment is equally important – and...
Global Generation

Global Generation

Global Generation Connecting the urban environment and the natural world They started with an experiment in an old skip. Now, they’re developing a project that will support thousands of people, plants, and wildlife for centuries to come. Education charity Global...