Giving young people’s confidence and wellbeing a boost
Gibraltar-based charity CYE-CYL (pronounced: ‘cycle’) is all about boosting young people’s creativity and entrepreneurial spirit, fostering strengths beyond academic achievements. Its programmes help build confidence, drive and ambition and provide young people with the practical skills they need for employment or further education.
We’ve supported CYE-CYL’s Summer Challenge between 2019 and 2023, with 4 grants totalling £40,000. (The Challenge didn’t run in 2020 because of Covid-19.)
Summer Challenge participants start by getting active at a residential outdoors centre, taking part in activities, such as abseiling, kayaking, hiking and rock-climbing. Next, they focus on building specific skills. This might be photography, drama, enterprise, media or sports, which young people then use to support local community partners, which includes Clubhouse Gibraltar.
CYE-CYL’s Summer Challenge had more than 115 participants between 2019 and 2023
The young people who took part gained the practical skills and confidence, drive and ambition necessary to find jobs or go on to further education.
- Participants aged 12-20 have raised more than £13,500 for other charities during the Summer Challenge as part of their commitment to give back to the local community.

Employment opportunities and internships
Finally, the programme focuses on drawing out the young person’s inner entrepreneur – participants come up with a service or product to market to the local community. A panel of experts assess the projects and provide personal feedback.
After they’ve completed this three-week challenge, CYE-CYL collaborates with partner organisations to provide young people with employment or internships. They’re also offered one-to-one sessions with mentors to help them make contacts. Graduates of the programme meet up regularly to take part in workshops and community initiatives.
Our 2023 grant also funded CYE-CYL’s new innovation hub, which provides participants with the skills to succeed in their personal, academic or professional lives through monthly events and activities. Workshops include CV building, interview practice, career development, presentation skills, outdoor activities, mindfulness-based activities and more.
“I did the CYE-CYL Summer Challenge because I was very shy. I wanted to improve on my social skills and be a better version of me. It’s been an amazing experience. We did so many activities. The mentors were amazing human beings. They were there for me when I needed them and were very supportive. If I was nervous to do something, they were always there encouraging me. If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be as open as I am today.”
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