Our biannual Kusuma University Talks took place at the end of February as part of the wider “Future Pathways” event hosted by Bayside and Westside Schools. The three-day programme is designed to guide Year 12 students in terms of their future careers and course of study, with Kusuma’s events focusing on providing expert advice to those applying to university.
Jane Marshall, from Optimising Futures, and Layo Akinola from Sidney-Sussex College, Cambridge ran a variety of talks and workshops which introduced students to the university application process and writing personal statements. Smaller group sessions provided expert guidance on applying to Oxbridge, key university study skills, preparing for entrance exams, as well as subject-specific discussions for medicine, medical ethics, dentistry and veterinary sciences. This year, we supported an additional one-day workshop with a tutor from UK provider “The Medic Portal,” to coach students who intend to sit the UCAT exam to access courses in medicine and dentistry.
Claire Trinidad “Every year, our students benefit greatly from the guidance and advice that is provided by the speakers who are sponsored by Kusuma. The talks help students to make informed choices about universities and courses that are based on what is right for them as learners. They are a great way to kickstart the university application process and encourage pupils to give these decisions the thought and attention that they deserve.” Claire Trinidad, Post 16 Coordinator, Westside School.