We were delighted to see the latest big step in the Urban Nature Project from our partner the Natural History Museum, with the installation of the new 22-metre-long bronze Diplodocus in their gardens in South Kensington.

Our funding of £1.5Million will allow the towering Diplodocus to stand in a new Jurassic garden, modelled on the landscape of the Jurassic period, and is just one part of the story of our planet’s history that will be told in the gardens which will open to the public in the summer. Dr Alex Burch, the Natural History Museum’s Director of Public Programmes, said “Through two new outdoor galleries – complete with a new resident dinosaur – visitors will explore the incredible story of Earth, stretching back more than 2.7 billion years”.

The museum has five acres of land for visitors to explore; other highlights include a schools hub for ecology learning and a Data Ecosystem to monitor urban biodiversity in the UK! It’s wonderful to learn that the gardens have gotten off to such a success and we can’t wait for the public to enjoy it. You can read more about our funding and partnership with the Natural History Museum here.