Latest updates
29 April 2020

Contributing to the valuable work of Childline Gibraltar

Our grant will ensure that they can continue to provide their important service to young people throughout the lockdown period.
29 April 2020

Supporting Gibraltar’s vulnerable elderly through lockdown

We have partnered with the Gibraltar Care Agency to ensure that those who need it can have a hot cooked meal everyday.
28 April 2020

Leaving no child behind during India’s Covid-19 lockdown

Transform Schools have created a programme to encourage students unable to attend school to keep up with their studies remotely.
24 April 2020

Kusuma School of Biological Science’s Covid-19 test approved

Researchers have developed a low-cost Covid-19 detection test for mass testing in India.
23 April 2020

Helping to keep those in need nourished.

We have awarded City Harvest a grant to ensure that those who need it most can have a decent meal.
23 April 2020

Feeding vulnerable children and their families

We have match funded £20,000 of donations received by Chefs in Schools' Emergency Covid-19 Appeal.