Latest updates
09 July 2021

Earthwatch Europe – Inspiring Environmental Education

Inspiring new teachers to feel confident about bringing the best of the natural world into the classroom. 
08 July 2021

Horniman Museum and Gardens – Replanting Programme

Our grant will help plant a new ‘micro-forest,’ train staff, and pilot an online club.
06 July 2021

Walworth Gardens – Horticultural Training

Our grant of £25,000 will give 15 Londoners the opportunity to gain practical gardening skills and a diploma.
01 July 2021

Kitchen skills training for young people in North Kensington

We have partnered with the Avenues Youth Project to support their kitchen training programme and kitchen refurbishment.
30 June 2021

Connecting with the natural world

We have awarded over £12,000 to the Chelsea Physic Garden to support their partnerships with two local organisations.
29 June 2021

Cleaning up London’s canals and towpaths

With our support, the Inland Waterways Association are tidying up 12 miles of the Grand Union Canal.