Latest updates
15 December 2021

Barts Research Appeal: Continuing Our Support For COVIDsortium

Our grant of almost £50,000 to Barts Charity will support research into immune decay, SARS-CoV-2 variants and the choice and timing of boosters. 
14 December 2021

Christmas Holiday Activities For Kensington & Chelsea Families  

We have once again partnered with Nova New Opportunities to support their Christmas programmes.
13 December 2021

Butterfly Conservation In Urban Landscapes 

Our new grant to the Butterfly Conservation aims to support their ‘Big City Butterflies’ project in inner London boroughs.
07 December 2021

Closed Loop Waste Recycling & Food Production Mico System

Our grant to Calthorpe Community Gardens aims to engage local volunteers to work on all stages of the food production cycle.
06 December 2021

Supporting Young Children’s SLC Development

We are supporting Creative Futures' new project aimed at young people who have speech, language and communication (SLC) needs.
03 December 2021

Gaining Life Skills Through Cricket 

Our grant to Chance to Shine will allow them to re-launch projects for 1,500 young people which had to close due to the pandemic.