Latest updates
29 July 2022

Connecting West Londoners With Green Space

With Hammersmith Community Gardens Association we are aiming to improve local residents' health and wellbeing by engaging with nature.
28 July 2022

Improving Impact Data Collection

With our support, Universify Education are developing a new data collection strategy to track their alumni's journey into higher education.
27 July 2022

Supporting The Somers Town Festival 

We have awarded a grant to the British Library to support their involvement in the local festival.
26 July 2022

Helping Young People Access Media & The Creative Industry

We are partnering with The Media Trust to support 180 young people to enhance their employability skills.
25 July 2022

Connecting Young People To The Outdoors 

We have awarded a grant to The Garden Classroom to support their urban forest school programme. 
15 July 2022

The Art Fund’s ‘Museum of the Year’

Our partners, the Horniman Museum and Gardens, have been awarded the largest museum prize in the world.