Latest updates
06 December 2022

Scientific marine equipment arrives in Gibraltar

The Nautilus Project provides opportunities for students to learn skills required for future careers in marine science.
05 December 2022

Supporting children and young people in Gibraltar

We have donated over £24,500 to Childline Gibraltar to review and adapt its counselling model and provide training for its staff and volunteers.
29 November 2022

Improving the first aid experience for volunteers and their patients

We have awarded St John Ambulance a grant of over £240,000 to fund the production of four First Aid Unit vehicles. 
28 November 2022

A new exhibit exploring the idea of family

We have awarded over £40,000 to the Foundling Museum for a new exhibition, entitled ‘Family’, opening in mid-March 2023.
23 November 2022

Preparing students for their university interview process.

The annual Kusuma Trust University Interview Workshops took place in Gibraltar from 14 to 18 November.
21 November 2022

Transforming school playgrounds into leafy green oases

We are pleased to award Trees for Cities a £200,000 grant for their project 'London Healthy Playgrounds'.