Maintaining Four Community Spaces in Hammersmith & Fulham

Maintaining Four Community Spaces in Hammersmith & Fulham

In August 2020, we granted over £7,500 to the Hammersmith Community Gardens Association through the London Community Response Fund. These funds are enabling the Association to maintain their operations across four well-loved gardens in Hammersmith and Fulham, and to...
In-person and virtual learning at the Museum of Brands

In-person and virtual learning at the Museum of Brands

We have given a £10,000 grant to the Museum of Brands in Notting Hill, to go towards their Engaging Young Learners programme.  Over the course of the next year, the Museum hopes to attract 3,400 young learners through in-person visits to see the collection, and...
Supplying essentials for those in hard times

Supplying essentials for those in hard times

In April, we gave £5,000 to Giving World, a charity that redistributes surplus food and essentials to those in need across the UK. Our grant supported the huge scale-up of their work as a result of Covid-19, responding to a 400% surge in demand for their services. In...
Kusuma Trust Gibraltar Professional Development Awards 2020

Kusuma Trust Gibraltar Professional Development Awards 2020

Applications for our Kusuma Trust Gibraltar Professional Development Awards are now open and will remain open until Friday 9 October 2020. Each year we support individuals working in Gibraltar to undertake professional development courses where there is no funding...
Using Gardening to Improve Mental and Physical Wellbeing

Using Gardening to Improve Mental and Physical Wellbeing

In June 2019 we made a grant of £25,000 to Thrive towards the cost of their Working It Out gardening programme for people facing mental or physical ill health. Our funding trained horticultural therapists to deliver programmes aimed at improving the health, wellbeing...